Fathers Information | |
Name | Justin |
Age | 41 |
Education | Bachelor’s Degree |
Occupation | Sales Associate & Treasurer on a Board for a nonprofit organization |
Interests | Justin enjoys wood working, camping, cooking, business, and family. |
Religion | Baptist |

Mothers Information | |
Name | Crystal |
Age | 40 |
Education | Master’s Degree |
Occupation | Global Process Analyst |
Interests | Crystal enjoys problem solving, baking, business, farmers markets, and making soap. |
Religion | Baptist |

Family Information | |
Length of Marriage | 15 years |
Number of Children | 1 |
Parenting Philosophy | A combination of Authoritative and Cooperative parenting. We set the guidelines and work together to achieve what is expected in our home. We approach discipline with understanding, communication and cooperation and like to meet our child/children where they are at in their development and understanding. |
Seeking: | Infant or infant multiples, sibling group up to two children ages three and under. |
Justin & Crystal

How we met:
Justin and Crystal met in 2008 through mutual friends and both knew quickly that were each other’s people! Justin proposed in the spring of 2009, and they were married in the fall of 2009.
Justin and Crystal know that life isn’t always easy or perfect for them, but they believe that if they chose every day to put their faith in Jesus and their love towards each other and combine that with some good old-fashioned grit they will have a marriage that is built on the solid rock, with Jesus as their foundation!
Justin works as a treasurer of the board for a nonprofit and works part time as a sales associate. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business. He enjoys spending time with children, sales, business, wood working, and spending as much time as possible camping or with family. He’s also an amazing cook!
Justin is very proud to be an Eagle Scout which is the highest honor you can achieve in the boy scouts and is looking forward to teaching a new little one how to build a fire with minimal supplies and share his love of camping and the outdoors. He also loves working for a nonprofit that supports children and getting to help children grow, learn, and develop every day!


Crystal works as a global process analyst which is a fancy way of saying she helps her company solve problems and document processes. She’s full of curiosity and never grew out of the “why” stage that you typically see in toddlers. She loves being a mom the most, but in her spare time she also enjoys baking, making homemade soap and walking outside. She also has a love for animals and spends a lot of time spoiling the families fur babies!
Crystal is looking forward to having another little one she can share her love of critters and the outdoors with as well as teaching her secret cookie recipe to! And she’s looking forward to each new stage of parenting and the opportunity to expand her love even more!
Selah is a 13-year-old girl in middle school. She is a little shy but incredibly funny! She has great timing and can make anyone feel seen and at ease. She’s the most thoughtful person we know and is so compassionate!
Selah enjoys playing her clarinet and reading a good book and is learning to cook and make freeze dried candy! She’s very responsible and a great student and works so hard every day. She’s proud to have been accepted into a special college readiness program that will start in the 7th grade. She’s been asking for a sibling since she was a little girl and is so excited to welcome a new little one into our family!

Our Fur Babies
She is the oldest pup in our family and is a sweet and loving mini poodle. Sophia loves children…especially those who will share their snacks with her!

She is our most expressive puppy! She is another mini poodle and is 2.5 years old. She came to us with her sister Ruby and this tag team is full of spunk.

She is the snuggle puppy in this family! She is our littlest mini poodle coming in under 12 pounds, but don’t count her out, she’s got a lot of personality and love. She can’t wait to cuddle and give sweet little kisses to her new person!

She is our brand-new puppy and is a mini sheepadoodle. She should come in close to 30 pounds when she grows up which will make her our biggest puppy. Opal is the sweetest and most laid-back puppy we have.

Our home is in a suburb on the outside of the twin cities. We are within walking distance of the local high school and a short bus ride away from both the middle school and elementary school in our community. We also have a park only a block away, which is a wonderful place to play and have fun.
We live in a split-level home with three bedrooms and an open basement with lots of room to play in! We love our neighborhood, as it’s filled with lots of families with young children. There is never a shortage of children to play with at the park from the community, and it’s easy to arrange play dates and find friends.
We also love our community as its centrally located to both great amenities in the metro area and the peace and quiet of the rural life. Our home is less than 15 minutes away from Justin’s parents and less than an hour from Crystal’s parents so it’s easy to visit family and build those grandparent relationships! There is just one thing missing still…a new little one to love and grow up calling this special place their home!

To see Justin & Crystal's entire "Profile Book" and learn more about them, Please call 1-800-314-3370 or email us at nhaa@newhorizonsadopt.com