New Horizons Adoption Agency, Inc.
November 2018 Newsletter
- Parents must be at least 25 years old to adopt from Liberia and have been married for 2 years
- Adoptive Parents are required to travel. Expected time in country is 2-3 weeks.
- Children 12 months- 7 years are waiting for their forever families
- The primary language in Liberia is English

New Horizons is celebrating National Adoption Month by having a t-shirt fundraiser campaign! We have several color options available and the design is also available in long sleeve and sweatshirt options! Children, youth, toddler, infant and adult sizes available. To order click the corresponding size above, each size has a different link.
Adoption was something that was special to both Ross and Kristen before they ever met. After being married for two years Ross and Kristen experienced a difficult loss of a baby at 14 weeks gestation. Through this experience, and God stirring a desire in both of their hearts to adopt, they chose to start the adoption process. In March of 2015, Ross and Kristen, completed the home study process with New Horizons Adoption Agency, Inc. and were officially a ‘Waiting Family’. Ross and Kristen experienced 3 failed adoption experiences with birth mothers changing their mind. Through all of this they relied on their faith that God was going to bring them a child through adoption. A few days after their 3rd failed adoption experiences with birth mothers changing their mind. Through all of this they relied on their faith that God was going to bring them a child through adoption. A few days after their 3rd failed match, Ross and Kristen got the call they had been praying for. relied on their faith that God was going to bring them a child through adoption. A few days after their 3rd failed match, Ross and Kristen got the call they had been praying for. They had been chosen by a mother who was expecting twins. This call was unlike any of the other calls because it was what Kristen had been holding onto each time they had to say good bye to a baby...maybe God has twins for us and that is why this one didn’t work out? They were able to meet with the birthmother several times before the birth and attended ultrasound and doctor appointments. On June 29th, 2017, Ross and Kristen got the call that the birthmother was going to have a C-section later that day. They were able to be at the hospital when the twins were born and spend time with them and the birthmother. What a humbling thing to hear a birthmother call you their child’s mom and dad and to see them hand you that precious baby of theirs for you to care for. It was a hard thing to feel such joy at becoming parents yet watching a mother becoming parents yet watching a mother grieve the loss of her babies as she had to let them go. Lots of emotions were involved for Ross and Kristen as this was their first time getting to leave the hospital with not just one baby in their arms but two. Ross and Kristin finalized the on April 27, 2018. They continue to have a positive relationship with their birth mother and an open adoption plan.

Employment Opportunity
We are hiring! New Horizons is looking to hire contract social workers to cover South Dakota, NW Iowa, and Southern MN! This position is for a licensed social worker with flexible hours. Duties include completing home study investigations for adoptive applicants and providing counseling for birth parents considering an adoption plan. If you would like more information please call the office at (507) 526-3518.
Please send resume and contact information to:
New Horizons Adoption Agency
302 S. Grove St., PO Box 188
Blue Earth, MN 56013
Or e-mail: